After ten years with the firm of Milodragovich, Dale & Steinbrenner, P.C., shareholder Adam Duerk accepted a position as an Assistant United States Attorney (AUSA) in the United States Attorney’s Office for the District of Montana. Mr. Duerk proudly serves as both a federal prosecutor in the criminal division and a trial attorney for civil matters. He has been tasked with prosecuting white collar fraud and environmental crimes as well as defending civil claims under the Federal Tort Claims Act. During his time with our firm, Mr. Duerk represented both his clients and the firm admirably. We appreciate the work performed by Mr. Duerk over his time with Milodragovich, Dale & Steinbrenner, P.C. and applaud him for his many accomplishments along the way. We wish Mr. Duerk the best as he engages in this new endeavor and expect he will represent the citizens of the United States with the same tenacity, civility and professionalism he exhibited over the past decade as a successful trial attorney at our firm.