Insurers often face claims that are overstated, questionable or outright fraudulent. MDS attorneys are experienced in assisting insurers to investigate these types of claims with an eye toward avoiding the payment of fraudulent claims while paying legitimate claims or portions of claims.
Our attorneys are able to engage in specific fact-finding inquiries using the significant resources at our disposal. Our attorneys can provide specific assistance and guidance regarding an insurer or third-party administrator’s obligations in light of the facts developed through investigative efforts. Providing coverage and claims advice in these challenging cases requires decisive recommendations backed by detailed fact gathering and analysis. With the assistance of specialists and other experts, MDS attorneys are able to analyze specific issues related to the cause of loss for coverage determinations as well as the scope of damages at issue. MDS attorneys are well-suited to handle personal injury or casualty claims as well as property damage claims involving suspect injuries, repetitive claimants or fabricated incidents.
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